TOP TEN Myths about Napa Valley Bed and Breakfasts!
1: It's an old house. Yuck.
True, all of the guest rooms at our Napa B&B *are* in meticulously restored historic homes. The old-growth (500 year old) redwood and beautiful Craftsman or Victorian details are all around you.
But everything from the electrical to the air conditioning is updated. No sweltering nights, or sitting in the dark because you turned on the blow dryer.
We like to think of our entire inn as a combination of old and new: Home-style cooking and old-fashioned service, in a beautiful wine country home, with all the modern goodies like free WiFi, HDTVs in every room, and great reception/service for smart phones.

2. I'll have to share a bathroom
Nope. We're just like a Napa hotel in that regard: All of the rooms and suites at our Napa Bed and Breakfast have private baths. Every single one.
And all the bathrooms are *inside* the guest rooms . . . so there's no need to put on your bathrobe or overcoat to walk outside, or down the hall!
3. It's decorated like Grandma's house
The first thing we did back in 2003 was "de-doilie" the Old World Inn. Not a doilie in sight. While we were at it, we took out the fussy antiques, floral patterns, and frilly wallpapers. We made each room feel more like a home in the wine country. Because that's how we want *you* to feel, when you stay here.
And, OK, there is our Bella Tuscany room. We had a little fun with that one . . .
4. It *feels* like Grandma's house . . .
Hey, we *like* grandma! But don't worry: No curfews here. You don't have to eat your green

We won't make you sit on plastic sofa covers (. . . did Grandma *really* do that . . ?), and the house doesn't smell funny.
Actually, most of the time, it smells like freshly baked cookies or muffins around here . . .
5. B&Bs have weird food. I'll eat food I *hate*
We cater to folks with all kinds of food preferences: Gourmets and Foodies, Vegans and vegetarians, and all kinds of folks who have allergies or can't eat certain foods.
We *do* have a rather unique standard menu: Fresh fruit (in season), followed by a baked egg dish like a frittata or quiche, served with some kind of baked muffin or scone.
Why fruit, eggs, and baked goods, each day?
Because this specially-designed gourmet breakfast needs to get you through a full-on day of serious wine tasting. When you start tasting wine at 10 am, the last thing you want is an empty stomach.

We want you to have something substantial in your tummy, to help you start the day off right.
For those who don't want gourmet egg dishes, we offer an amazing oatmeal, stewed with dried mangos, apricots, and cranberries. Some of our guests love it so much, they ask for it every day! Just let us know what you need. We'll do whatever we can, especially for special allergies or restricted diets.
6. I'm going to have to meet (and talk to) a bunch of creepy innkeepers. Ew!
Naah. We're a pretty casual, laid-back bunch. The one thing we won't do is butt in or talk your ear off. You find us. We're here for you.
We can help you with your travel plans, and give suggestions for all kinds of fun things to see and do. We'll give you free wine tasting passes, maps for wineries, and we'll be happy to make suggestions or even call in reservations for dinner. Just ask.
7. Napa Valley B&Bs are in the middle of nowhere.

•We're close to 3 major airports (SFO, OAK, and SAC, all 1-1.5 hours away).
•More than 150 Napa Valley and Sonoma wineries are within 5-35 minutes drive of our Inn.
•The best part: You can WALK to dinner and wine tasting (shopping, too!)
Napa is a *great* walking town: Lots of beautiful old Victorian and Craftsman homes. Very small town America. Well, small town, but with restaurants like Morimoto Napa, and Oenotri. And dozens more.
8 & 9: We ran out of B&B Myths. Can you think of any?
10. OMG, I"m going to have to *talk* to other guests? Are you kidding me?!
Many of our guests never really spend time in the common (social) areas of the Inn. They're here for a private getaway, and pretty much keep to themselves while they're here.
We only see them on check in, and check out.
The social stuff is here, if you want it: Chat with folks about your favorite wines over breakfast. Or compare notes on favorite tasting rooms around the fire pit at night. You can do any of these things. But no one expects you to.
Whatever it takes to help you relax. That's what this Napa Bed and Breakfast is all about.
Just click here to find out more about our guest rooms, and internet specials.
-The Innkeepers
Napa Old World Inn